Homeschooling with an Infant

Mid-August we welcomed Felix into the world!

Even five and a half months later, Felix is the joy of our home! The kids fight over who gets to hold him and there are always willing hands to hold the baby when needed. 

Two weeks and two days after Felix was born we started the 2024-2025 school year. Looking back, perhaps I was a little crazy. 

Homeschool with a baby has not been easy. It looks a little different than the previous four years of homeschool. When we started homeschooling, fall of 2020, Marshall was about a year old. Starting school with a brand new baby is a whole different game. 

Flexibility is the key to successfully homeschooling with an infant. 

Things that have made this year work:

1. When the baby is sleeping work quietly and quickly through school.

2. Whoever isn’t working with mom gets to hold the baby. When dad is home he helps a ton!

3. Core subjects are the main focus: piano, handwriting, language arts, and math. 

4. When the baby needs fed or requires attention it is recess time!

5. Our theme this year is world exploration. It is a little more laid back than originally planned. Being okay with simplifying is very important in this stage of life!

6. Find ways to supplement homeschool without over taxing mom. We enrolled the girls in co-op classes. Last semester, they studied Marine Biology with a classroom of similarly aged homeschoolers. This semester they are enjoying Chemistry and Theater. This has been SO much fun for them!

7. I remind myself this year’s number one class is hands on child development!

Homeschooling with a baby is not picture perfect but it is the most beautiful thing I have witnessed! Quality family time allows us to soak in all the moments with Felix!

Cherish the moments when your arms are full, your clothes are constantly disheveled, your hair is a mess, moments of rest are few and far between. Before you know it this stage of life will be history.

These moments are sculpting us into the women and men the Lord intends us to become!

💕 Terynn J. Barnes

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