Touring America in a School Year – Part 1

Summer is my time for dreaming and preparation. As soon as we wrap up the school year in April/May I begin to plan the next school year. This is one of my favorite things to do!

In the last few years, we have been to Hogwarts & experienced the Jedi Academy… For this school year’s theme Tony and I brainstormed together and came up with:

Some people would not hesitate to pack up, jump in a RV trailer, and tour America with their little kids in tow.

I am 100% a homebody. In order to maintain life as we know it, we will “visit” all 50 states through videos on YouTube and experience iconic food here at home. This is something extra to add interest as we work on our core curriculum and homeschool activities.

Through videos we can see some of the best places to visit as well as learn a little more about each state.

A highlight in my mind is cooking and baking iconic foods along the way! This is a great way to get the kids in the kitchen and try new food.

Through stories and videos we will acquire knowledge about historical people and places. Each state’s geographic location and state flag will become familiar to us. All the while we plan to take notes in our EXPLORATION NOTEBOOKS!

We have embarked on a journey! We are only 6 states in, and we are LOVING it!

With notebooks, stickers, a large RV sticker chart, and many other exciting details on hand this dream is becoming a reality! (At the end of the school year, I will share a free pdf download with links to all the videos and recipes we use!)

In my limited experience, I have learned that an ounce of planning leads to a ton of success!

Homeschooling is amazing!!! Especially when I spend the time to make it something spectacular. We are already seeing beautiful fruits from our labors. Nothing has ever been more rewarding than teaching our children and experiencing learning alongside them. Life and learning are beautiful gifts! What a blessing to share this together as a family. I truly believe this is the way the Lord intended it to be.

Planning and preparing exciting details for school is my personal favorite! It makes me SO EXCITED for the new school year!

I encourage you to find something that makes you excited to learn and share it with your children. You will cherish the time you spend learning beside them. This time is limited; soon it will be gone.

Enjoy these moments!

💕 Terynn

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