At the end of July, I took a 2.5 month sabbatical from all composition work. It was an unintentional break. Not completely understanding why I took a break, I simply acknowledge a break was needed.
Since then, the school year has begun. It is our second year of homeschooling. Now that a good daily schedule has been established, a little time and energy is available for extra hobbies. Working on music, for 15-60 minutes each day, adds much joy to my life. This time stretches the mind, it challenges abilities, it requires me to step outside my comfort zone, and lends an opportunity to learn new things! As effort is put forth chords, measures, phrases, and finally a beautiful song is created.
I am currently working on two projects.
1.) Song #2 “Fear Not”
A song based on one of Tony and I’s favorite Old Testament scripture stories, found in 2nd Kings. The sheet music is complete!!! Rainy Days Studio recorded the piano part for me about 2.5 months ago. Immediately after, I sat down to edit the midi file. Life got busy, causing me to set it aside. “I’ll get to it tomorrow,” continued until it became months later. This past week, I finally opened the file and began to edit once again!
In the world of recording, Midi is a MAGICAL tool! Recording Midi is a simple way to record and edit piano. Compared to an audio piano file, Midi is much easier to work with. (I feel a post brewing on this subject!) Right now, I use Garageband to record and edit midi piano files.

The next step is to transfer this song to PreSonus Studios. Vocal recording, mixing, and mastering MP3s are all done in Presonus Studio One 4. Â
I also envision writing a string part into this song. Once again, here I am, stepping into the unknown. Bring on the opportunity to learn and delve further into the world of composition!
2.) Song #3 “The Full Armor of God”
My goal here is to write a primary song using words directly from the scriptures. I want children to open the scriptures to read about the Armor of God, and realize they already know the words of the Lord.
This song’s lyrics, rhythm, and melody have been developed slowly throughout the summer. Writing the accompaniment to this song is my current project!

My daughters have sung this song through each stage of creation. Sharing the creation process with these sweet children, entrusted to my care, has brought me so much joy!
I currently use a free version of Musescore to create sheet music. I COULD connect the piano to the computer having it generate the notes I play… However at this point in my life, I love manually adding each note. Plus, by the time I think about connecting all the cords into the right devices, I am usually in the middle of a creative thought. (And the kids are only a moment or so away from needing assistance with something.)
My goal is to consistently work on these songs until I can share them with all of you!
“Remember dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment. So have dreams but have goals… life goals, yearly goals, monthly goals, daily goals… To achieve these goals you must apply discipline & consistency every day!” – Denzel Washington
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