I am excited to finally finish this song. It has been a long time coming.

His Divine Design was originally written as a tribute to Izabelle. July of 2022, the days leading up to the anniversary of Izabelle’s death, waves of grief hit as if I was back in 2018. I sat down and wrote out my feelings and a beautiful song ensued. The lyrics were written in an afternoon, and the melody quickly followed. I felt some writer’s block on the accompaniment, so come October I set the song aside.

February of 2023, we discovered we were expecting our 5th baby. He was unplanned, but I felt pure joy and excitement for this little piece of heaven to join our family.
May 29, 2023, I was cutting up mangos to dehydrate when the accompaniment of this song came to me. [Homeschool life keeps me super busy, add “morning” sickness on top of that… I honestly hadn’t thought about this song for 7 months.] I sat down and the accompaniment flowed right out of me. I call this divine inspiration. The accompaniment was perfect.
The next day I was at the doctor’s office with my 3 kids for a quick routine 17 week appointment. When the ultrasound wand was placed on my abdomen there was
I asked… “where is the heartbeat?” The doctor confirmed my worry… our sweet baby no longer had a heartbeat. On June 1, 2023, Brigham Barnes was delivered. He had a perfect tiny body with 10 little fingers, 10 little toes, eyes, ears, and a nose. He was perfect.

This was a very sad day.
I have only experienced one sadder day in my life.
We obtained permission and buried him on Izabelle’s burial plot. My heart fills with gratitude that in the depths of grief, nearly 6 years previous, I had insisted they bury Izabelle 6 feet under when 4 feet was sufficient for an infant. We were able to bury Brigham at 4 feet in a beautiful casket built by my good friend.
I can’t help but recognize that I was being carried by angels through that whole experience. I was inspired to work on this song at precisely the right moment. The Lord knew what was around the corner in our life. He knew that with these eternal truths flowing through us we would find strength in our Savior. I am grateful for this tender mercy from a loving Heavenly Father!
Over the next few months, His Divine Design was perfected. As July 24th approached, I considered publishing the song. However the verses felt too personal to share publicly, but I felt the chorus needed to be shared.
I re-worked the verses to be more relatable to a broader audience. This version is what I share with you today.
I know the Lord is aware of you. He Divinely Designs the details of your life. Watch for tender mercies and you will see His divine design in the details of your life. I hope you enjoy this song that has brought me so much peace these last five months.
💕 Terynn
P.S. – His Divine Design – Tribute to Izabelle sheet music is complete… Lyrics beginning: “What would I give for another day…” if you are going through the loss of a child and want a copy of this original version of the sheet music, email me. I would be happy to share it with you. 💕