Praises to His Name

Last fall, I sat in a sacrament meeting listening to a young man testify that God is a God of Miracles. He told the story about his mother being miraculously healed of cancer. The miracle they prayed for had been granted. At the end of his talk, I thought to myself, “That is wonderful… yet sometimes the answer is no.” 

I have personally witnessed that God is a God of miracles. Eleven years ago, my wonderful Mother-in-Law suffered from “sudden cardiac death”. She was given Priesthood blessings, countless people prayed for a miracle, and medical professionals worked around the clock. Over the course of months, she went from having no heartbeat to functioning fully again. We are grateful every day for this miracle!

My mother-in-law, Jayne,
a decade later

Many times, the Lord has a plan that is different than granting the miracle we ask for. I find peace in this statement from Elder Ronald A. Rasband, “Miracles… are not always what we ask for or what we expect, but when we trust in the Lord, He will be there, and He will be right. He will suit the miracle to the moment we need it.”1

On that Sabbath Day, I sat in a congregation of faithful saints who have been through many visible life changing trials the last few years. We lost our little girl to Sepsis, a young family lost their mother to cancer, a young woman nearly lost her life to a bacterial infection but now lives a joyful life on one leg, a young woman severely burned in a propane explosion works each day to overcome the trial of her lifetime. We don’t have to look far to see trials in this life. 

It takes a great deal of faith to face trials. President Russell M. Nelson stated, “It takes faith to plead for the life of a loved one and even more faith to accept a disappointing answer.”2  Most of the time we don’t understand why the answer is “no”. If we trust in the Lord and move forward in faith we will catch glimpses of God’s greater plan.

If, by a miracle my baby girl had been healed, what would be different today? The daily absence of Izabelle’s physical presence gives us a tangible reason to choose to trust in the Lord’s timing and to strive harder to keep our covenants with God. I lean heavily on my testimony of my Savior now, more than ever. The strong emotions I experienced have moved me to write music. The fruits of faith and trust are there. Miracles from Heaven fill our daily lives. Almost always, when a miracle is not granted we see a greater magnitude of the Lord’s hand at work in our lives. 

He sees the beginning from the end.

From HIM a greater miracle extends. 

Look for the miracles. Look for His tender mercies. 

Watch Him climb the mountains of life beside you. 

He is there. He truly cares.

Trust in His Timing. Choose faith in His plan. 

đź’• Terynn

  1. Ronald A. Rasband, “Behold! I Am a God of Miracles,” Liahona, May 2021, 111.
  2. Russell M. Nelson, “Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains,” Liahona, May 2021, 101. 

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