The Full Armor of God

Today is a beautiful day! Up until this moment, I have shared this song with less than 20 people. Getting The Full Armor of God ready to share via the world wide web has been quite the adventure. A great deal of perseverance has made it available to anyone who desires to listen, play, or sing this song! Talk about EXCITING!!!

Our adventure began January 2021. This song idea took root while studying the armor of God in Doctrine and Covenants section 27 (also found in Ephesians 6).

The words, melody, and accompaniment came slowly. I tried to stay true to the words found in the scriptures. Of course the ultimate goal with ‘The Full Armor of God’ was to increase children’s faith in our Savior Jesus Christ through music.

Listening to my girls sing during each stage of creation was one of my favorite parts of writing this song. As changes were made, I often had to stop to teach them new words, melodies, and timing. Zaylee and Jozlin have been the best cheerleaders and were ecstatic to perform the song for the youtube video. Who knew these girls at 6 & 9 would know the words to this song better than I do?!?

I want to acknowledge my Mother and Aunt Kathy who are excellent editors! They happily gave feedback and ideas through the whole creation process. My mom is a great trial pianist! She played many versions of ‘The Full Armor of God’ and never complained. Kathy is the best with editing words and over all sound. I love these women!

Last but not least, Tony is the true hero here! He has real patience. He listens to the same measures of music over and over again… for an ENTIRE year. He never gets impatient. Instead, his encouragement helps me overcome the toughest hurdles.

I have found the best learning does not come from books; instead it comes while toiling to apply specific knowledge. I also find heaven sends much help when we strive to develop our talents.

The Bible Dictionary states, “Strong faith is developed by obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ.” As we strive to put on each part of the armor of God our faith will increase. Through Jesus Christ we will receive strength, power, and direction in our lives.

My prayer is: That as this song touches your heart you will teach it to the children close to you and pass it on. I hope this song touches the hearts of MANY.

💕 Terynn

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