
Sewing Unit

We find it easiest to add homeschool enrichment classes in small units. For a sewing unit we spent December afternoons sewing minky quilts.  Last summer, Tony’s sister found a bunch of new minky fabric scraps at a garage sale. For $15 we obtained enough minky to make 3 tops, 1.5 backs, and plenty to spare. […]

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Hogwarts Homeschool – Part 2

1.) Reward System Since, what feels like, the beginning of time we have practiced implementing a morning 5 routine which includes get dressed, say prayers, make bed, brush hair, brush teeth. Simple right?!?! Guess again… let me tell you, I have heard every complaint under the sun as to why a certain poor soul living

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Directed Drawing Unit

For Christmas we made directed drawing calendars for both grandmas and one for dad. This made an excellent drawing unit to enrich our homeschool experience this fall. We printed this free calendar on cardstock. The girls took turns picking what to draw. Since we needed 3 of each drawing to make 3 calendars, I drew

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A Peek into our Daily Reading

Five parts of our homeschool reading curriculum include: 1- Reading chapter books aloud as a family is amazing! The majority of the time we read a chapter at bedtime. When we are excited to learn what happens next in the book we tend to read more during the day. I keep a running list of

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Math Manipulatives

About a month ago, there was a moment in our school day when frustrations began to rise. By the time we opened the math book, it was evident my first grader was no longer in a positive mental frame for learning. She refused to take a recess and play outside. In that moment I decided,

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Create a Mission Statement

In the month prior to the start of our Homeschool, one specific question was on my mind, “What is my Homeschool Mission Statement?” There would be days when life would be HARD!!! I knew I needed a mission statement to successfully make it through the school year.  A mission statement is a concise explanation of

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